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Every Stylable stylesheet has a reserved class called root that matches the root node of the component. The root class is used to signify the component top-level node where a new namespace scope is created.

.root { 
/* set component background */
background: white;

/* OUTPUT */
.NAMESPACE__root {
background: white;

Default export

The root of a stylesheet can be referenced in other stylesheets by using the default import.
@st-import DropDown from './';

/* style any dropdown component background
nested under the page root */
.root DropDown {
background: salmon;

/* OUTPUT */
.page__root .dropdown__root {
background: salmon;


Each component is responsible for placing the root class on its top-level node using the runtime API.

simple example

import { classes } from './';

function Comp() {
return <div className={classes.root}></div>;

root + state + customize

The following example uses the st() function to add multiple classes:

  1. the component root class
  2. state classes
  3. classes passed from props for customizations
import { st, classes } from './';

function Comp({ className }) {
return (
<div className={st(classes.root, {/*states*/}, className)}></div>