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In CSS, @layer provides a way to group rules together in order to override other rules for better control of the styling order.

This page goes over how Stylable handles @layer, for more details about the language feature itself, check out the following resources:


Layer order definition

@layer base, layout, theme;

Layer style definition

@layer theme {
/* layer style rules */

Nested style definition

@layer theme {
@layer app {
/* layer style rules */

/* equivalent to */

@layer {
/* layer style rules */

Import and Export

An exported layer definition can be imported into another stylesheet with the @st-import atrule.

Insert rules into imported layer

/* get base layer definition from another stylesheet */
@st-import [layer(base)] from './';

/* insert rules into layer */
@layer base {
/* layer style rules */

More import examples

/* map 'base' layer to local name 'x-base' */
@st-import [layer(base as x-base)] from './';

/* import multiple layers */
@st-import [layer(layerA, layerB)] from './';

Native CSS import

CSS native @import can be used to import a stylesheet into a layer:

/* import the content of 'other.css' in the base layer */
@import url(./x.css) layer(base);

While Stylable collects and namespaces layer definitions from native CSS imports, it does not handle bundling of them at current time, and they are not recommended for use.


A layer can be accessed for dynamic styles using the layers mapping on the Stylable runtime stylesheet:

import { layers } from './';

// map to target namespaced layer


Stylable automatically namespaces any layer name according to the stylesheet it is defined in:


@layer base, layout, theme;


@layer ns__base, ns__layout, ns__theme;

Disable namespace

In some cases the default namespace behavior is unwanted, for example when a layer is external and not defined or imported by Stylable. In such cases, st-global can be used to mark a layer definition as global:

/* keep the layer name as-is with no namespace */
@layer st-global(external);

Once a layer is marked as global, all references to that layer transpile to the un-namespaced name (nested or imported).

Notice that st-global is not supported in nested definitions (e.g. or native import (e.g. @import url() layer(st-global(external))), but marking the layer as global in a later definition will keep it global everywhere.