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The Stylable Webpack integration provides development, build, and bundle capabilities.


Install the @stylable/webpack-plugin as a dev dependency in your local project.

Using npm:

npm install @stylable/webpack-plugin --save-dev

Using Yarn:

yarn add @stylable/webpack-plugin --dev


In webpack.config, add the StylableWebpackPlugin to set up Stylable:

const { StylableWebpackPlugin } = require('@stylable/webpack-plugin');

// webpack config
plugins: [new StylableWebpackPlugin()],

For more information on configuring the @stylable/webpack-plugin, see the readme file.

With another CSS solution

When coming into a project with an existing Webpack CSS integration, you will need to exclude .st.css files from any other integration.

For example, to exclude Stylable from css-loader:

const { StylableWebpackPlugin } = require('@stylable/webpack-plugin');

plugins: [
new StylableWebpackPlugin()
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/i,
exclude: /\.st\.css?/,
use: ["css-loader"],


Adding the webpackPlugin export field to the stylable.config.js will set as the default configuration for any Stylable Webpack plugins in the project.

module.exports.webpackPlugin = function (config) {
return {
optimize: {
shortNamespaces: true,
minify: true,